In case you Didn't Notice: Forums!
In case you didn't notice, Gene's Machine has Forums (the word is 'Fora', actually) again!
This time they're an intrinsic part of the Web Site itself, so security-wise they're going to be a little harder to hack. As such, they're also still a work in progress - I'll be adding features as I get time, and have properly secured those features to keep some outsider from hacking the Site again and turning it into (yet again) another Pron site.
(Old history: see a couple of posts down from here. and those idiots are *STILL* scratching at the doors trying to get back in! No luck though; they're looking for a location that no longer exists - but I've said that before.)
So look in your Menu list, Select "The Forums", and go have a look! And ENJOY!