Gang - unless you eMail me and tell me who you are,
Seriously, whomever is spamming my web page incessantly, you really ought to know that unless I know you personally, you simply aren't getting in. All of the robo-account generations aren't going to get you in. A simple eMail might - but that's nowehere to be found on the board, so you'll have to try harder than running scripts at the board and hoping for the best.
And I'm not even sure why you want in - there's literally nothing to see here. Well, maybe there is, but unless you're deeply into physics as a supplement to religion, there is nothing to excite you here. We don't even discuss the mysteries of the universe - we just fix a few guitars, fiddles, banjos, and wonder if that's what life's all about. The forums that were hacked (over a year ago) were DELETED without a backup - s'what'ya get for hacking someone's stuff and then *assuming* it was going to hang around. If you had something stored there (and besides the porn, there was a LOT) you will find it in that great bit-bucket in the sky: I didn't keep a single thing. There's a lesson to be had, there, but I'm sure you wouldn't get it if I told you, so rest assured that all of that treasure-trove of data, every little bit of it, were deleted with exteme prejudice: no backups were made. It's all gone. But I said that already. In a previous post. Further up the board.
Let's see: everything is gone, nothing to see here, ah-yes! STOP SPAMMING MY WEB PAGE! Thank you. A word to the wise should be sufficient.